我拿著電話,哭。不知道該打給誰? 不敢對爸爸媽媽說,好多人欺負我,我只有孤單一個人。 我好累,我壓力好大!我身體不行了! 怕他們擔心,難過,為我流淚。 不敢打電話給朋友, 因為不想讓她們為我心疼,看見我脆弱的那一面。 我只好自己躲在房間的角落裡, 黑漆漆的,默默的,無聲的,哭。 親愛的醫生,對不起。 你開的藥對我一點用都沒有! 我又吃不下任何東西了。 這次,我想好好的,好好的。 休息,沉沉的睡去。永遠不要醒來。 Why, do you always do this to me? Why, couldn't you just see this through me? It's not supposed to feel this way I need you I need you More and more each day It's not supposed to hurt this way I need you, I need you, I need you Tell me, are you and me still together? Tell me, you think we could last forever? And come back to me when you know just how you feel, I could feel I could feel you near me, even though you're far away