那到底什麼是 latte factor 呢?latte factor是由財務投資專家 David Bach 所提出,
你或許會說,那 latte factor 與私人財務管理有什麼關連呢?事實上,如果你是「月光族」,
常常不知道錢到底花到哪裡去,那麼從 quit buying Latte(戒買拿鐵)這種看似「小錢」,
卻想存錢的人的建議,便是:cut down on the money you spend everyday on things like gourmet drinks
and eating out(減少每天花在高級飲料及外出吃飯的錢)!
When it comes to saving money, it’s important that you find your “latte factor.” 說到省錢,很重要的一件事是找出自己的「拿鐵因素」。
In the morning, you get an Espresso for $3, a bagel for $2.50. At work, you get a Coke and a bag of chips.
Before you know it, you’ve spent $8--it’s the latte factor!