It is 11:20pm as I typed this journal....
The Nigerian couple nextdoor had quiet down now. They were arguing for about an hour just now, and slamming doors and maybe other stuff in the house...making quite a lot of loud noise in the peaceful neighborhood.
In spite of hurting my right foot again, my day went well today.
Because I had my lunch extremely late, I did not feel hungry until 9:30pm...then I made some spaghetti for dinner. I do not know how to make meatballs, so I used sausage and turkey ham instead. It turned out good, although not as tasty as the one my second sister made. [X-D]
Spaghettie goes quite well with apple cider (that s what I had for dinner)... [)-D]
Oh no~ the Nigerian couple started arguing again! I feel sorry for all the neighbors including me...the husband is now shouting at his wife...
I won t poke my nose into other people s business, especially people that live around me....I should get back to my study now. I have two group presentations tomorrow.