disseminate=dis(away) + seminate(plant seed)=播種開來
Dissemination is the scattering of information.
此字乍聽之下,像是December Nation,很好玩!
If you've done something really embarrassing and don't want the whole school to know, let's hope no one who saw you is an expert in the rapid dissemination of humiliating facts.
Dissemination builds on the word, seminate, meaning "to plant seeds."
When you add the prefix dis-, you add the idea of separation, so to disseminate means to spread seeds widely.
These could be literal seeds, like the dissemination of Oak genes by the scattering of acorns, or metaphorical seeds of ideas, like the dissemination of radical ideas through blogs, zines, and list-servs.

Disseminate is verb.
It means to spread widely as though sowing seeds or to become known widely to everyone like disseminate news or information.
It was originally derived from the Latin word dissēminātus and it was first used around 1595-1605.
Pronunciation: dih-sem-uh-neyt
Meanings of Disseminate
1. To spread widely
2. To broadcast or promulgate extensively
3. To disperse
Master’s Tip to Learn Disseminate
Disseminate can be broken into ‘Disseminate’, seminate can be thought of as in a ‘seminar’. In a seminar all the people gather at one place, so disseminate would mean when everyone is scattered widely.
Sentence examples for Disseminate:
1. The government requested that the press not disseminate information related to the ongoing investigation.
2. With age comes experience, as well as the desire to disseminateknowledge.
3. Perhaps this is not the forum in which to disseminate simplistic answers.