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 charlene 的日記本
2004/11/08的日記 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 2004/11/11的日記
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篇名: 2004/11/10的日記
作者: charlene 日期: 2004.11.10  天氣:  心情:
The earthquake was terrible last night!It made me think about 921.

On September 21st 2000 at midnight when I was sleeping,suddenly my bed shook and swung. It woke me up. I wanted to turn on the lights to see what happened,but there was a blackout. I looked out of the window, the whole area was dark. My mother opened the door, she wanted to run out of our apartment. The elevator also didn't work.One moment seemed like one century. Then the earth was returned to peace and quiet,but everybody was still lingering from shock and fear. The next morning, when I went out to buy breakfast,I heard people talking about the earthquake last night. The epicenter was in the south of Taiwan.It registered 7.3 on the Richter's scale. It was the strongest earthquake in Taiwan in 100 years. It caused blackouts for a long time.Aftershocks shook constantly for a few days.
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