Sis was feeling bad the entire day (quite a wonder that she managed to do the cleanup this morning), so after a short nap I took her to the Chinese clinic to see what was wrong with her stomach. Seeing those thin needles made me sick. [(-*] (what are those called, accupuncture? some sorta scary Chinese treatment) I had to turn my face the other way so I wouldn t feel disgusted when the doctor injected those scary looking needles into my sis back.
Well, at least those things worked fine. When we got home, I cooked some oatmeal for sis (had to be something her weak stomach wouldn t reject). Now that she was no longer crying with pain, she went to bed quite early tonight (to me 10pm is very early to go to bed), and is sound asleep as I type this journal. [;-)]
Because of sis, I extended my stay in Bz. [:|] Good thing she is recovering now, because I really have to go back to Bmp tomorrow. I have so many school works to do (I haven t even started with the chapter four of my research paper, and the final report is due this Friday!) and I have to start study for my last exam. [X-(] How I wish I could split myself into two so I could be in Bz and Bmp at the same time!