Ac + clivity-- an upward slope 上坡 De + clivity --a downward slope 下坡 Pro + clivity -- a natural inclination 前傾 在這個字中,除了子音cl之外,其它的都是「附加音」。如果我們能創造一個透視法的系統, 讓一個字分為三個層次 字首放第一層,字尾放最下一層,整個單字的結構也就呼之欲出了, 一目了然更容易記憶。 A proclivity is a natural tendency to like something, such as your sister's proclivity for restaurants that serve hot, spicy food.
When you have a proclivity, it feels automatic — you like what you like; you don't even have to think about it. The origin of the word proclivity supports this feeling. Proclivity comes from the Latin word proclivis, which literally means "sloping forward." You slide toward a proclivity — no effort is needed. You just give in to it, since you're headed in that direction naturally.