You guys are fucking amazing with those brilliant questions and endless ideas for assigned fucking thesis topic while I'm still fucking reading the first chapter and yet have any fucking clue what the fuck is going on b-(
Since I am not History major, went to speak to the advisor of History Dept regards to the lengthen requirment for final thesis and this is what she replied: All students should final with equal amount of work regardless the major....
duh 8-} I know that... errrrrrrr.... :-L
How am I going to finish four reserches in less than three months with 40-50 pages + 15-20 pages + 15-20 pages + 8-10 pages.... that is minumum of 20 outside readings that I have to do
I am starting to doubt if this is the on going life that I want when law skoo is just gonna be worse :-S