Nowadays, many people tell you to" be yourself".
But "be yourself" doesn t mean to be the one your wish to be, it means to truly express yourself, which includes the following persectives:
1. LEARN to accept who your are (學會接受你是誰)
This doesn t mean that your should give up being a better person.
Instead, find your uniquemess.
2. DO your best insteading of being perfect: (盡力而為卻不追求完美)
You need to put ofrth effort to reach your potential,
but you don t have to make everything perfect.
3. BE honest and onpen-minded : (真誠且開心胸)
Let go of your facades and disarm yourself. You ll find more people willing to accompany you.
It takes courage to be true to yourself,m and it requires your to be introspective.
Being yourself doesn t mean that your are disrespectful. (不表示不尊重他人)
You just need to know you should not let others define you.