三個沒有h的他: he, his, him闖出無數麻煩
"Wuzzi there?"
啥意?「那死鬼老頭躲在那兒嗎? 」Was (h)e there?
haziz 黑日一日 has his
waziz 挖日一日 was his
toum 吐m to him
have, had, has
I'll tell (h)er we're leaving.
Whadave you done? = What have you done?
My friendas seenit twice. = My friend has seen it twice.
Reductions with "h": Lesson 1a
This lesson is for advanced learners of English. The sound "h" is often dropped in unstressed words. This lesson will show how Americans pronounce unstressed words like "him," "her," "his," "had," and "he's" in fast speech.