外:""excuse me , can you speak English?"
我:"yeah..just a little "
外:"I'm looking for a big market.do you know how to get there?"
我:"big market? そうですね...え~と...たぶん... 阿不對..!! sure, you can go to that market"
我:"you see that red かんばん(看板)...?" (又講成日文了XDD,幹可是我不知道看板的英文!!)
我:"that red one is a big supermarket." (又馬上改口XDD)
外:"No, not supermarket, I'am looking for night market."
我:"night market? あぁ~ナイトマーケットですね.. sure... it's over here..."
外:"so I should go around..."
我:"え~と...その7-11は見たか?..(驚!又變成日文)...can you see that 7-11?"
外:"7-11? yeah I can see that."
我:"そこに行って、右回っ....!!!" (幹 我明明想講的是英文阿阿阿!!!)
外:" ...........?"
我:"ごめん!you go here and turn right..分かる?"
外:"go to 7-11 and turn right?"
外:"OK thank you very much~"
我:"いいえ..." (講完我練都綠了...囧rz)