[:%%]*------室友的房間,是我剛幫她整理過滴------*[:%%]今天就要給作文社的一堆學妹,學弟們做presentation!說真的 會有一點點怕 後來表現的還算可以!![:%%]謝謝你們的支持喔!後來跑去Aggia Marching Band裡面學snare drum.超難滴 都因為朋友看上那邊的一個學長 硬要我阿她去她跟本就get不到那些beat, so left out he doesn't even want to teach her(我幫不到你)i was justs watchin like most of the time, didn's want to playo...well..just pratice and learn it by yourself--Cathyor maybe i can teach you something[:P]我坐在那邊好久多久喔!~!~那男的好像對她也沒太大興趣接著她就不爽,把那男生拉到exit door那邊講話(the exit door obviously post that the alarm will go on if you open the door)我不知他們是不是沒看到,還是怎樣!!一手把門推開 警鐘當然會響起阿 當時 全部人都看過去了 好好笑喔 [:P] At night, after the band pratice, me and cathy went to the Jazz Dance pratice It is really hard, and after the dance ended at 12, my body felt achingai......but the dance is cool tho[:%%]i found out that if we wanna stay to do the danceeither hiphop or Jazz, we have to do auditionand if you are pic to be in, you have to perform in game like basketball gameai[:@].......so sad..... i donno if i should still join or notDonno wut's my choice[:|]為什麼每個人都只想著愛情而你喜歡的人,又不一定會看上你你不喜歡的人,又偏偏愛上你這個世界就是這樣所以一切 我都只好隨緣