IF Song by Bread合唱團 If a picture paints a thousand words, 如果說一張圖能道盡多少事 Then why can't I paint you? 那為什麼我卻無法描述出身旁的妳呢 The words will never show the you I've come to know. 因為再多的辭彙也無法形容出存在我心海中的妳 If a face could launch a thousand ships, 如果說傾城的美貌能喚使兩國開戰 Then where am I to go? 妳的容顏卻將喚使我往何處去 There's no one home but you, 沒了妳任何地方都不是我的歸處 You're all that's left me too 我想只有妳在我身旁我才有存在的價值 And when my love for life is running dry, 當我對生命的追求已油盡燈枯 You come and pour yourself on me. 妳來了並注入我新的生命 If a man could be two places at one time, 如果說一個人能分身兩地 I'd be with you. 我願意其中一個永遠和妳在一起 Tomorrow and today, 今天或明天 beside you all the way. 一直到永遠 If the world should stop revolving 如果說這世界將停止轉動 spinning slowly down to die, 慢慢的停下來直到毀滅 I'd spend the end with you. 我願意將最後的時光留給妳 And when the world wasthrough. 啊~當這世界瀕臨毀滅 Then one by one the stars would all go out, 就讓我們一起隨著一顆顆閃爍的星光 And you and I would simply fly away. 逐漸淡去...