Dear Ms. I:
San Diego – 感覺像是座老人城, 郊區的 On the Border 是一家有名的 Mexico Food Restaurant.
Grand Canyon 我只有自三萬英呎的高空在飛機上鳥瞰過.
Kansas City, MO – Museum of history 有中日降書.
Minneapolis – 如果妳想體會零下六十度 C 的滋味, you might be able to catch it in January.
Chicago – The Windy City is famous for its architecture and mobsters. The magnificent mile along the Michigan Avenue is indeed magnificent. You might want to see the authentic works by Vincent Van Gogh, Pierre Renoir and Claude Monet at the Art Institute of Chicago. I like the works by Renoir, in particular Two Sisters on the Terrace.
Reno, NV and Atlantic City, NJ 是位於東西兩處的賭城. 可看到許多老人及中國人(臺灣人)搭遊覽車到此玩各式各樣的賭博遊戲. 由於這兩座賭城讓我感覺到污煙瘴氣的, 我也就不想去 “what happens in Vagas stays in Vagas” 的 Las Vagas 了.
To be continued …