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篇名: 勝利的喜悅~~~
作者: 阿任 日期: 2014.08.04  天氣:  心情:
YEAH~~~~~happy hockey game result again!!!!

Today I made 2 scores. The first score (kind of helped by my team mate, a strong rebound) was with back hand shooting and changed the 4:3 loosing situation to 4:4 tie. Than a team mate score one more point, making it 4:5. And I was just being lucky to make a left up corner score and made the points to 4:6 winning!!!!

Ha ha ha~~~ So happy. After the game, Jordan Hess played news reporter role and asked my thought on today's game~~~ super funny.

Well, if it wasn't the opponent team's goalie was very experienced and just being lucky to catch my puck, I should have scored 4 points in total!!!!

Anyway~~~~~ A good game~~~ And one of my team mate called me the MVP of today's game~~~~
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