2.7. Ethanol and acetaldehyde (AA) measurements
2.7. 乙醇和乙醛(AA)測量
Concentrations of acetaldehyde and ethanol were determined by homogenizing 20 g of fruit with 100 cm3 of a cold solution of hydrochloric acid (0.1 mol/l), incubating10 cm3 of homogenates in 20 cm3 tubes
sealed with teflon caps during 30 min at 70 ℃, and injecting 2 cm3 of the headspace in a HP 5890
series II gas chromatograph with a flame ionization detector and a Porapak Q column.
Mean values were obtained by analyzing four pools of four fruits each.
2.8. Statistical analysis
2.8. 統計分析
A completely randomized design was used.
Each evaluation condition involved four replications of four fruits each.
Significant differences were analysed by analysis of variance using the General Linear Model procedure of SAS software.
顯著差異使用一般General Linear Model 的SAS軟體進行方差分析。
When significant main effects were observed without interactions, mean separation was accomplished by the use of Duncan’s Multilple Range Test and Least Significant Difference Procedure.
The comparison was usually made between each treatment and the control (C).
However, when required, comparisons among treatments were considered.
然而,在需要時,也會進行各處理間的比較(Polenta et al., 2006)。