一位跨國財團的老董事長,已經患有多年的失眠症,尋遍各國頂尖名醫,所耗費交通費、醫療費每年都在數百萬美金之譜。每晚在房間裡來回走動,雖然對企業有更多時間去關注,卻造成家人的不安與擔心。 他的兒子無意間聽到Dr.Christopher的演講,強調我們每天一定要和土地接觸,體內才不會積靜電。他帶著父親到濕潤的草地上光腳走了十分鐘,第二天早上,家人發現老董事長沈睡了一晚,精神煥發地醒來。
人體是個生物電磁場,我們生活在大自然的大電磁場中,一旦大自然的平衡更改或被阻擋,人身體累積過多的靜電使身心都會引起病態、不舒服。各種 “先進”現代化的城市裡鋪滿柏油路、水泥地、地磚,都是不導電的物質。再加上乘坐橡皮輪胎的車子、人工鞋底,現代人可以一天二十四小時都在「絕緣體」世界生活,它所造成的問題很值得去探討。
Barefoot on the ground helps with health
[To eliminate the accumulation of excessive static electricity in your body]
Do you know why barefoot standing under the tree, can bring to human health and slow down aging? Under large trees the soil has better huminity than places that are directly exposed to the sun. The lack of humidity is less conductive in releasing static. That is why a lightning rod is always situatated at least two meters underground to get soil moisture for better conductivity.
A senior Chinese herbist who lived in the U.S. for many years gave advice with the following account of an instance hoping to benefit more people:
The board director of a multinational consortium, who has been suffering from insomnia for years, spent millions of dollars in searching for the country' s top doctors to cure him. While moving around the room every night might give him more time to focus on business, this has casused him discomfort and the family's anxiety and worry.
His son overheard Dr.Christopher's speech, which stresses that we must have direct contact with the earth everyday to avoid excessive accumulation of static electricity in our body. He led his father to walk barefoot on the moised grass for ten minutes. The next morning, his father woke up refreshed after a good night sleep.
Under the traditional Japanese health guidelines, children shoes with rubber soles are illegal. Rubber or leather is not conductive, wearing these shoes is insulated with the earth, potentially excessive accumulation of static electricity can cause the body of premature aging, weakened immunity, body discomfort, insomnia, etc. Severe health disorders including cancer may occur. (Modern abnormally high cancer rates: an average of nearly 33% of adults)
Throughout the food, clothing, and shoes millions of kinds of synthetic chemical products exist nowadays. More than ninety percent of the shoes in the market are not conductive.
The human body is bio-electromagnetic while the earth we live in is a large natural electromagnetic field. Once the balance of nature is altered or blocked, the accumulation of excessive static in human body can cause physical and mental illness. Modern life facilities covered with asphalt, concrete, brick, are non-conductive material. Together with rubber tires, man-made soles, modern people can have twenty-four hours in the "insulation" life. It is vital to look into the problems.
It is important to have direct contact with the earth in order to discharge static electricity from the body. It is best to walk barefoot on the grass, stone ground or the beach on a daily basis. So take off your shoes and walk barefoot to get the health benefit. |