將這首歌送給今天的小宇 他好勇敢 一個腦麻的孩子 五官長得很俊俏 父母親務農 由奶奶幫忙帶 住在田中央 因為長期臥在床上身體幾乎都變形了 其中小宇更因為奶奶將他擺位錯誤 四肢也都變形 頭部向著光線處頭都歪斜變形 拉上了窗簾少了光線 將小宇的頭部按摩並小心翼翼的扳轉 卻因為張力而哭泣 老師不斷的告訴他要勇敢 奶奶說他聽不懂吧! 我老人家也只能幫忙餵奶然後讓他躺在床上 沒念書也不懂 告訴奶奶不管小宇他聽不聽得懂 我都會堅定得鼓勵他 哭泣的小宇好像要告訴露曦老師什麼樣的委屈 發出ㄚㄚ的聲音 我回答他~老師都知道 好勇敢的孩子 ~The rose~ Some say love, it is a river 有人說,愛是條河 that drowns the tender reed 容易將柔弱的蘆葦淹沒 Some say love, it is a razor 有人說,愛是把剃刀 that leaves your soul to bleed 會任由你的靈魂淌血 Some say love, it is a hunger an endless aching need 有人說,愛是種饑渴 一種無盡的帶痛的需求 I say love is a flower 我說,愛是一朵花 And you, it's only seed 而你,只是花的種籽 It's the heart afraid of breaking 害怕破碎的心 that never learns to dance 永遠學不會跳舞 It's the dream afraid of waking 害怕醒來的夢 that never takes the chance 永遠沒有機會 It's the one who won't be taken who can not seem to give 不願吃虧的人 不懂得付出 And the soul afraid of dying that never learns to live 憂心死亡的靈魂 不懂得生活 When the night has been too lonely 當夜顯得寂寞不堪 And the road has been too long 去路顯得無盡漫長 And you think that love is only for the lucky and the strong 當你覺得只有幸運者 及強者才有幸得到愛 Just remember in the winter 謹記,在嚴寒的冬日裡 Far beneath the bitter snow lies the seed 酷雪的覆蓋下,躺著一顆種籽 That with the sun's love in the spring becomes the rose 一旦春陽臨照,就能幻化成一朵 玫 瑰