剛剛聽到20多年前曾經紅過一段時間的一個團體Def Leppard 談到此團體.只有一句話~~~時運不濟.他們的功力 絕對不亞於當時的KISS 或者Bon jovi OR Europe....
5位年輕人在1977年就組成Def Leppard 當時 他們都還是高中生 尤其鼓手Rick更是15歲而已.歷經幾次變動後.終於再1982年穩定成員少有異動.第 3 塊專輯 Pyromania 問世之後.轟動整個英國樂壇專輯大賣.可惜的市 厄運也開始接踵而來.第4張專輯錄製不順利.鼓手RICK也在1984年的耶誕夜晚出車禍手部受傷.誘因手術失敗導致截肢.86年他開始使用電子鼓 代替失去的左手.87年第4張專輯Hysteria問世.受歡迎程度不亞於Pyromania 但是.吉他手之一的 Steve Clark 於91年往生....此後就少有他們的佳作在傳出.
今天 向各位推薦重金屬抒情搖滾的代表作與搖滾音樂各一作推薦.尤其是抒情搖滾之LOVE BITES 雖為抒情.但是.強烈推薦各位 調大你們的音樂.因為 重口味的啦!!
Love bites
When you make love, do you look in the mirror?
Who do you think of, does he look like me?
Do you tell lies and say that it's forever?
Do you think twice, or just touch 'n' see?
Ooh babe ooh yeah
When you're alone, do you let go?
Are you wild 'n' willin' or is it just for show?
Ooh c'mon
I don't wanna touch you too much baby
'Cos making love to you might drive me crazy
I know you think that love is the way you make it
So I don't wanna be there when you decide to break it
Love bites, love bleeds
It's bringin' me to my knees
Love lives, love dies
It's no surprise
Love begs, love pleads
It's what I need
When I'm with you are you somewhere else?
Am I gettin' thru or do you please yourself?
When you wake up will you walk out?
It can't be love if you throw it about
Ooh babe
I don't wanna touch you too much baby
'Cos making love to you might drive me crazy
[Repeat Chorus]
[guitar solo]
Ooh yeah
[Repeat Bridge]
Love bites, love bleeds
It's bringin' me to my knees
Love lives, love dies
[Repeat Chorus]
If you've got love in your sights
Watch out, love bites
Yes it does
It will be hell