It is Wednesday night. 10:06pm to be exact. I have a pile of papers to write: two journals (more like essays[(-*]), one 100questions test, and one lesson plan ==> all due tomorrow [:|]
My one-week Easter holiday starts next Monday...I can t complain about having such short holiday because it is better than none...but, WTH!
I will have about 120 papers to grade, two course-compendiums to compile, presentations to prepare, one whole novel (just got it from professor yesterday) to read, research to carry out, one student-assessment to conduct, one analytic essay to write, etc.
All in one frigging week! (excuse my french)
And that is just my school works!
During my one-week holiday, I have to pay my parents a visit up north (Corozal), and go to a 4 days church camp (I will help in the kitchen to prepare the meals for the campers)...
Great! That leaves me no time to rest!