這星期日是美國的父親節 是六月第二個禮拜天 跟台灣的不一樣 小時後父親有個美國移民夢 我過煩他的美國夢 又逃了回來 厭倦了空間很大表面友好心卻很遠的日子 現在又開始想念夏天的芝加哥 碧湖藍天 festivals Don't think I will go back to Chicago. Don't have a home to go back to any more. He never called me on my cell before yesterday. He did yesterday. He called me for her from the States. It's o.k. I was dumb enough to open the door for a stranger to stay in our home. How can I ask myself not to be me? 文筆真好 每看一次心痛一次