最近用了四個交友網站,才發現愛情公寓的相簿其實已經算不錯了〈都是用久Google的相簿的關係所以才會覺得別家的不怎麼樣 ^^||〉
後來問了問美國的同事,看了一下Wikipedia的"online dating website"列表〈有好多喔!〉,試用了兩個英文交友網站 eHarmony 及 OkCupid,一些心得如下﹝因這兩個網站都是英文的所以心得就直接寫英文了囉﹞。另外最後再稍微提一下 Flirq 中文版。
eHarmony is around for a long time (launched in 2000) and according to Wikipedia has over 33 million members across 150 countries. The website claims that "542 eHarmony members marry every day in the United States as a result of being matched on the site."
I took the time to complete a very long questionnaire, which the company claims to measure 29 dimensions of compatibility (scientific predictors of long-term relationship success) such as self-concept, emotional status, energy (emotional, physical), obstreperousness, etc. (see http://eharmony-blog.com/29-dimensions).
The service quickly recommended a few matches for me. I got in touch with one of the recommended matches that lives in Taipei, and during a few back-and-forth email we found there are several commonalities between us (e.g., our offices in Taipei is only hundreds of meters apart, we both play badminton, and both have background in Hsinchu and Tainan). She is on business trip this week and we'll likely meet up afterwards, at which time I'll find out if eHarmony's recommendation is good. ;)
OkCupid is a free dating site that features "member-created quizzes." Essentially everyone answers multiple-choice questions (such as "Would you need to sleep with someone before you consider marrying them?") and selects the acceptable answers your ideal match would pick.
I like very much the transparency of this service, where you can compare side-by-side the answers (with optional explanation) you and the other person have chosen. I've actually learned a lot just by thinking and answering the questions and reading other's answers and explanations! =)
I also like very much the powerful people search, where you can choose a number of criteria including your match% (and friend%, enemy%), physical attributes, and even attractiveness. Unfortunately, I found I am quite picky on physical appeareance. When searching for matches with 5-star average rating, I would only rate 3 stars for most of them and 4 or 5 stars for very few of them. ^^||
There's still room for improvement for this site (e.g., photo quality is poor, question diversity is less than eHarmony), but I can see some potentials in this model. It's definitely worth a try if your English is okay. Here's my profile for your reference.
Flirq 中文版最近才上線,特別的是女生的照片先被馬賽克保護,然後由女生提供自己有興趣的問題,當男方提供滿意的回答後才能看到女方的照片及互通訊息,另外一個特點就是「尊榮企業計畫」,讓某些學校的校友〈如台大、MIT等〉或工作單位的員工〈如聯發科、Google、HTC、長榮航空等等〉拿到一個「尊榮徽章」,等試用一陣後再來報告吧! |