檔案狀態:    住戶編號:106678
 大魚王 的日記本
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 切換閱讀模式 給他日記貼紙   給他愛的鼓勵  檢舉
篇名: 結論是. . .
作者: 大魚王 日期: 2004.09.01  天氣:  心情:

很喜歡看卡通 無論是 宮崎駿 還是 迪士尼
總是能讓我邊看 邊掉眼淚 因為
我是個連看皮卡丘 都會感動 然後哭到淅瀝嘩啦 的人
感動的 原因很簡單
因為看到事物的本質 在卡通的世界裡
儘管 充滿了無窮幻想 與無數的不可能
然而所表現的"本質" 卻一直存在

她們用最簡單 最直接的方式
在每一位主角的身上 及彼此的互動中

我的文字裡 常常喜歡說友情 愛情 親情
自己卻覺得 老是在無病呻吟 說不出有深度的東西
與其花時間聽我放屁 不如 看電視
呵呵呵. . .

最近上兒童文學 覺得很有趣
別以為 兒童文學祇是看看圖畫書而已
要真正深入了解 內容之廣泛保證嚇死大家
而 卡通影片 跟文學的本質很像
可以訓練孩子 聽說的能力
也能幫助孩子 獨立思考 了解生活 
同時 建造人格特質 
所以不要說電視不好 而是要看我們怎麼使用  

"任何事物 都有他本身存在的意義"
狗狗 有狗狗存在的意義
喵喵 有喵喵存在的意義
人類爲什麼會死亡 不是因為罪 而是因為有 誕生
這就是我們必須自己去找尋的 "本質"
莫名其妙又說一堆 其實結論是
怪獸電力公司 Monster Inc. 很好看 !! 歌也很好聽!!

If I Didn't Have You

Sully: If I were a rich man, with a million or two
Mike : I'd live in a penthouse in a room with a view
Sully: And if I were handsome.
Mike : No way
Sully: It could happen.
.  .  .Those dreams do come true
.  .  .I wouldn't have nothing if I didn't have you,
.  .  .Wouldn't have nothing if I didn't have,
.  .  .Wouldn't have nothing if I didn't have,
.  .  .Wouldn't have nothing...

Mike : Can I tell you something? for years I have
.  .  .envied

Sully: You're green with it.
Mike : Your grace and your charm. Everyone loves
.  .  .you, you know.
Sully: yes I know, I know, I know
Mike : But I must admit it, Big guy you always come
.  .  .through.
.  .  .I wouldn't have nothing if I didn't have you.

Both : You and me together, that's how it always
.  .  .should be.
.  .  .One with out the other, don't mean nothing to
.  .  .me... nothing to me.

Mike : Yeah I wouldn't be nothing, if I didn't have
.  .  .you to serve.
.  .  .I'm just a punky little eyeball, and a funky
.  .  .optic nerve.
.  .  .Hey I never told you this, sometimes I get a
.  .  .little blue.
Sully: Looks good on you.
Mike : But wouldn't have nothing if I didn't have
.  .  .you.

Sully: Let's dance
Mike : haha

Mike : Look ma I'm dancin'
.  .  .Will you let me lead?
.  .  .Look at that it's two big guys alight on
.  .  .their feet.
.  .  .Don't you dare dip me, don't you dare dip me
.  .  .Ow, I should of stretched.

Sully: Yes I wouldn't be nothing, if I didn't have 
.  .  .you.
Mike : I know what you mean sully. Because,
Sully: I wouldn't know where to go
Mike : Me too. Because I,
Sully: Wouldn't know what to do.
Mike : Why do you keep singing my part?

Both : I don't have to say it
Sully: Aww...Say it anyway
Mike : Cause we
Both : Both know it's true
.  .  .I wouldn't have nothing if I didn't have,
.  .  .I wouldn't have nothing if I didn't have,
.  .  .I wouldn't have nothing if I didn't have,
.  .  .Wouldn't have nothing if I didn't have...
. . . .you

Mike : one more time... IT WORKED!!
Sully: I don't have to say it.
Mike : Where'd everybody come from?
Sully: Cause we both know it's true.
Mike : Let's take it home big guy.
Both : I wouldn't have nothing if I didn't have,
.  .  .I wouldn't have nothing if I didn't have,
.  .  .I wouldn't have nothing if I didn't have,

Mike : You, you, you
.  .  .a e i o that means you yeah

好可愛的歌啊 !!
I wouldn't have nothing if I didn't have
a e i o You, you, you You, you, you. . .  

瀏覽次數:140    人氣指數:8700    累積鼓勵:428
 切換閱讀模式 給他日記貼紙   給他愛的鼓勵 檢舉
給本文愛的鼓勵:  最新愛的鼓勵
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