回想以前居住在國外的週末生活 總是多采多姿! 但是自從回國後一切生活作息全然改變 特別是週末 除了家人來訪 否則我的最愛是 大門不出 二門不邁 穿著睡衣 打開報紙 聽聽音樂 喝喝咖啡 上網聊天..... 我覺得這是人生享受 其實每個人都有自己一套生活作息表 隨著年齡增長 作息表也會逐漸改變 我希望它不要改變太突然 但是又希望它可以帶來不同的驚喜! Well, we cannot control our life, and it means we will never know what happen for tomorrow. One week ago, our mayor and his wife would not know that they had an accident on last Saturday, Luckyly, she is getting better and better. Hopefully, she will be healthy soon.....