I have been secretly reading your diaries, Sis. Glad you left me a gift. Thought you might have a wrong idea of me. I know something happened in your board, too. Hope things are o.k. with you now. Something or someone we at least expect always barge in our Yahoo Cyber World. 知道您是有情有義愛恨分明愛家人愛朋友 多事之夏 清靜的心 難得@};- A girlfriend of mine is taking me to have tea in a Five-star Hotel again this afternoon.:D I love my girlfriends! Nice to have friends to hang out and talk about happiness and sadness. 報紙的字句 刺到心裡的 未必是愛情 從心靈的窗戶聎望的 也可能鋪滿灰塵