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 光的使者 的日記本
2009/07/07的日記 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 2009/07/13的日記
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篇名: 2009/07/11的日記
作者: 光的使者 日期: 2009.07.11  天氣:  心情:
Posted some very old photos. I think those were taken in 1994, but not sure. I don't like those pictures much. I was 20 years old when I had the pictures taken. Don't I look like an old lady in those two photos? 隔壁公司工頭說早上看到一個穿白色洋裝小姐遠遠走過來 他衝近公司叫小伙計?豆眹茯搕p姐 來歐 趕緊來看小姐 結果近看穿白色洋裝小姐是我 興致全失 我說結果是歐巴桑 你很失望 他說沒有啦 他?赤器D我幾歲沒興趣看歐巴桑 我應該在雅虎改下我的年齡:-? 他?角p老闆是我國小同學 沒法隱瞞年齡 三十五已經不是"小姐"了 我覺得我以前好老土:(( While having lunch in the food court at a department store, a guy asked me that are you an aboriginal or are you a foreigner? I just smiled at him and didn't want to response to his question. Listened to a speech on TW. You can ask anything from the Universe, and it will come true. The key is to believe in yourself.
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2009/07/07的日記 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 2009/07/13的日記