*近日認識一網友 她因男友劈腿而面臨分手 終日藉酒消愁 送她自
己很喜歡的西洋歌曲"Bridge over troubled water 惡水上的大橋"
她聽後回覆謂很感動 希望她喜歡並不再酗酒
*When you are weary, feeling small 當你感到疲累與無力
When tears are in your eyes 當眼淚在你眼中打轉
I will dry them all 我將為妳拭乾
I'm on your side, when times get rough 當情況惡化 我將在妳身旁
And friends just can't be found 當妳孤立無援
Like a bridge over troubled water 像獨自抵抗洶湧波濤的大橋
I will lay me down 我將義不容辭
*When you're down and out 當你感到失落與孤單
When you're on the street 妳在街上漫無目的般留連
When evening falls so hard 當晚上下起滂沱大雨
I will comfort you 我會安慰妳
I'll take your part 為妳分憂解勞
When darkness comes and pains is all around 當黑暗來臨 滿目瘡痍
Like a bridge over troubled water 像獨自抵抗洶湧波濤的大橋
I will lay me down 我將義不容辭
I will ease your mind.. 我將撫慰你的心靈 ..