囍昨晚寄給我的歌~我聽了一夜。 本來以為沒關係了的傷!原來只是逃避... 乾淨無邪的童聲唱出淡淡哀愁 我的心一時躲不開 只得跟著一句一句痛 本來打算今天要開的檔...恐怕得再等一陣子了。 就讓我~慢慢來吧! Who are those little girls in pain just trapped in castle of dark side of moon. Twelve of them shining bright in vain like flowers that blossom just once in years. They're dancing in the shadow like whispers of love, just dreaming of place where they're free as dove. They've never been allowed to love in the cursed cage! It's only the fairy tale they believe. -- pic. 曾經熟悉的窗.我想窗外的景色還是那麼美吧 什麼都不要再問了... 也許短時間不要去觸碰是好的!因為我沒有自信去面對。 只能不斷地告訴自己 我很勇敢、我很快樂 但今天的陽光...照不進我的心裡。 *我想裝做什麼事都沒有發生過的繼續生活下去...照常笑、照常睡,卻只是欺騙自己!*