Today I watched a movie called: spanigly~In the movie beganning, there is a daughter said in her biogrophy of entering into a university, which is the relationship between she and her mom, when she was a child, her mom divorced with her dad, but her mom gave her an education which would never show her sadness and weakness in front of her daughter, her mom never throw a tear in front of her daughter, and her daughter never tell her mom that she knew her mom cried. Its an open secerect between them. As she grew up day after day, she relized how enconomy important to them, especially when she wants an education and they are single parents. Her mom wants to move to US but give her deepest spanish thoughts. Her mom wants to raise her daughter so she decide to work in a nanny in white family, when everything gets better, her mom learns basic english conversation also she goes to a priviate school for scholarship, the white family which provide job for her mom began to collapse,
first her mom grow love feeling towards the white family husband, her mom began to feel compete with the female master. They even race each other on the way back home. In the end she decide to leave the place she works, along with her daughter. The daughter feel sad because she just fits in to the new school, she yelled at her mom and said " i hate you, you ruied my life, you can t make choice for me" (At this time i cried, i know the sad feeling of her) but in the end she and her mom get back together beacause her mom asked her:would you never want to be me?(Ithink this is a big decision when she first encounter in her life)這是一部非常好的電影,劇中描寫了大人們難以被了解的難處,當工作遇到了愛情的問題,為了一些緣故必須放棄,但在劇中我記憶最深的兩句話是,內白人家庭酗酒的母親對內幫傭的母親說: