I was chatting with my little friend Jason (who is like my little brother) tonight. We discussed our plans for the summer vacation...
Jason: I wanna go to Chet (Chetumal, Mexico)...oh damn! I just realized I don t have my passport![:|]
Me: Ha!
Jason: Damn! I just realized I cannot go out of the country until July...but then, I have summer classes. [:|]
Me: Sorry for you...[:6]
Jason: Nah...I chose to do summer courses. [:u]
Me: No, I was referring to the fact that you cannot go out of the country.[)-D]
Jason: Oh...who says I can t go? I can still go...to cayes.[:)]
Me: Those are still within the country, booboo
Jason: You have to let me down like that?[:~]
Me: Yeah! Because that is what an older sister can do to her little brother! muahahaha (evil laugh)
Jason: You are mean![:|]
Me: [=D]