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申命記Deut十八:20~22 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 申命記Deut十九:14~21
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篇名: 申命記Deut 十九:1~13
作者: 分享寧靜 日期: 2013.09.22  天氣:  心情:
  Cities of Refuge

 第十九章 Deuteronomy 19
 1.「耶和華你 神將列國之民剪除的時候,耶和華你 神也將他們的地賜給你,你接著住他們的城邑並他們的房屋,
  When the LORD your God has destroyed the nations whose land he is giving you, and when you have driven them out and settled in their towns and houses,
2.就要在耶和華你 神所賜你為業的地上分定三座城。
 then set aside for yourselves three cities in the land the LORD your God is giving you to possess.
3.要將耶和華你 神使你承受為業的地分為三段;又要預備道路,使誤殺人的,都可以逃到那裏去。
 Determine the distances involved and divide into three parts the land the LORD your God is giving you as an inheritance, so that a person who kills someone may flee for refuge to one of these cities.
 This is the rule concerning anyone who kills a person and flees there for safety—anyone who kills a neighbor unintentionally, without malice aforethought.
 For instance, a man may go into the forest with his neighbor to cut wood, and as he swings his ax to fell a tree, the head may fly off and hit his neighbor and kill him. That man may flee to one of these cities and save his life.
 Otherwise, the avenger of blood might pursue him in a rage, overtake him if the distance is too great, and kill him even though he is not deserving of death, since he did it to his neighbor without malice aforethought.
 This is why I command you to set aside for yourselves three cities.
8.耶和華你 神若照他向你列祖所起的誓擴張你的境界,將所應許賜你列祖的地全然給你,
 If the LORD your God enlarges your territory, as he promised on oath to your ancestors, and gives you the whole land he promised them,
9.你若謹守遵行我今日所吩咐的這一切誡命,愛耶和華你的 神,常常遵行他的道,就要在這三座城之外,再添三座城,
 because you carefully follow all these laws I command you today—to love the LORD your God and to walk always in obedience to him—then you are to set aside three more cities.
10.免得無辜之人的血流在耶和華你 神所賜你為業的地上,流血的罪就歸於你。
 Do this so that innocent blood will not be shed in your land, which the LORD your God is giving you as your inheritance, and so that you will not be guilty of bloodshed.
 But if out of hate someone lies in wait, assaults and kills a neighbor, and then flees to one of these cities,
 the killer shall be sent for by the town elders, be brought back from the city, and be handed over to the avenger of blood to die.
 Show no pity. You must purge from Israel the guilt of shedding innocent blood, so that it may go well with you.
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