I've never been to me Cherlene Hey lady, you, lady, cursing at your life You're a discontented mother and a regimented wife I've no doubt you dream about the things you'll never do But I wish someone had talked to me like I wanna talk to you I've been to Georgia and California, anywhere I could run Took the hand of a preachman and we made love in the sun But I ran out of places and friendly faces Because I had to be free I've been to paradise, but I've never been to me Please lady, please, lady, don't just walk away Cause I have this need to tell you why I'm all alone today I can see so much of me still living in your eyes Won't you share a part of a weary heart that has lived a million lies I've been to Nice and the isle of Greece While I sipped champagne on a yacht I moved like Harlow in Monte Carlo and showed 'em what I've got I've been undressed by kings And I've seen some things that a woman ain't supposed to see I've been to paradise But I've never been to me (spoken) Hey, you know what paradise is? It's a lie A fantasy we create about people and places as we'd like them to be But you know what truth is? It's that little baby you're holding, And it's that man you fought with this morning, the same one you're going to make love with tonight That's truth, that's love Sometimes I've been to crying for unborn children that might have made me complete But I, I took the sweet life And never knew I'd be bitter from the sweet I spent my life exploring the subtle whoring that cost too much to be free Hey lady, I've been to paradise But I've never been to me | 從不曾屬於自己 夏琳 嗨!女士,咒罵著自己人生的女士 妳是個不滿現狀的母親,也是個蠻橫的妻子 對你夢想的事,我並不懷疑 但我希望有人找我談心,像我找你談心一樣 我到過喬治亞州、加州和任何我想去的地方 牽著傳教士的手,在陽光下做愛 我走遍各地,看盡友善的臉孔 只因我想要自由 我曾到過天堂,但從來不曾屬於自己 求求妳,女士,別走開 因為我必須告訴妳,為何我現在孓然一身 從妳眼裡,我看到了昔日的我 何不讓我分擔妳那脆弱的心 妳那活在千萬個謊言中的心 我到過尼斯,到過希臘群島 在遊艇上啜飲著香檳 我像珍哈露一樣搬到蒙地卡羅,炫耀我的斬獲 我曾在國王面前寬衣解帶 也曾看過一些女人不該看到的事物 我曾到過天堂 但從來不曾屬於自己 (口白) 嘿,妳曉得什麼是天堂嗎?那是個謊言 那是我們對人、事、地的憧憬 所編織出來的幻想 但妳知道真相是什麼嗎? 那是妳懷中抱著的嬰兒 那是今天早上和妳共同奮鬥, 晚上一同做愛的男人 那就是真相,那就是愛 有時候我會為未出世的孩子哭泣 也許那會使我的人生更完整 但我選擇了優渥的生活 卻從來不知道樂極也會生悲 我已花了一生縱情聲色 為自由付出太多代價 女士,我曾到過天堂 但從不曾屬於自己 | ||||
這是首充滿女性自覺的抒情歌曲,回顧了自己荒誕不經的人生,其敘述方式頗為特別,因為歌中傾訴的對象正是心裡的另一個自己。 1982年,這首歌在美國排行榜節節上升,在亞軍的位子待了好幾週,當時對西洋歌曲的求知慾十分旺盛的安德森,除了讚嘆這首曲子動人耐聽之外,卻又暗自納悶,黃鶯鶯不是早在兩、三年前就唱過了這首歌了,卡帶我還買過呢!難道是被外國歌星發掘出來重新翻唱,反攻回美國去了? 後來看到報導,原來這首歌在好幾年前即由美國女歌手夏琳( Charlene )灌唱,或許是發行公司財力不夠。宣傳無門,問世沒有多久就銷聲匿跡( 由於民族性不同,美國人較偏好節奏輕快的歌曲,有些在亞洲相當受歡迎的抒情歌曲,事實上美國人可能興趣缺缺,例如有首十分柔美的歌:風之花"Windflower",不僅很多美國人沒聽過,連演唱者在自己的精選輯裡都沒有收錄這首歌 )。後來,一位地方電台的DJ發現了這首曲子,便在自己的節目中密集的播放,慢慢的打響了它的知名度,一年多後,它登上了全美的排行榜,一首好歌因而重見天日,免於蒙塵的命運,這也是夏琳唯一的一首暢銷曲。