Aquarius(水瓶座) -The Age of Evil:
綜觀中西方對水瓶座 (Aquarius Age) 的解釋, AD 2012年 的開始,
人類在世界各國會有許多人格扭曲, 衝動, 自私, 消極的活動反應.,
此現象皆因水瓶座這低頻率與不純淨的振動頻率影響. 也因為人類近300-500年以來, 諸多道德式微,
所以, 現在的有識之士更應該宣揚 "道" 與 "真理", 多提升精神層面的價值,
在唯物主義昌盛橫行的的結果, 這現象持續發效的極致就是造成現今極度 M型化的貧富懸殊和落差...
我敢大膽的預言- 如果人類再不反省, 尤其英美創立的"共濟會& 光明會"- 這所謂黑暗勢力,
以及世界各國的極度富有的財團們不能深刻檢討反省, 一昧地繼續以經濟優勢控制金字塔95%中下端
的人們, 這個" M" 型字,如果再衍生下去必然慢慢趨於 " 一 " 字的扁平化., 所謂之"一"字扁平化,
則世界萬物歸於一, 一切滅絕, 地球則寸草不生, 皆空空無也!!
這經濟的 "一" 字化, 就是像人的心電檢測儀的 indicator, 原本有上下拋物線之曲線型, 慢慢地呈現一字扁平型!!...
( 因此,彌勒佛為何將必須忍辱負降生世上, 為眾生傳道拯救生靈了.. )
21012開始就是水瓶座的開始, 也是明朝 劉伯溫一書 < < 天地數 > > 中所謂的 "未" 會的開始!
(註: 劉伯溫天地數中言道-開天闢地重從子會(天會), 丑(地會), 寅(人會), ...至亥會, 共12地支.
(註: 子丑寅卯辰巳午會申酉戌亥, 共12 地支).
每一會掌管10,800年, "午" 會- 是在2012以前剛過去, 劉伯溫說: 午會- 是十二會(十二萬九千六百年-10800x 12會) 中,
人類商業與科技最發達的會, 然而" 未" 會以後越來越不發達了..
包括-人類的道德將越來越低落, 尤其在" 申" 會以後, 男女遇之交媾, 人不知父母為誰.
所以, 本人以為當人類道德越來越低落, Satan (Lucifer) 撒旦-路瑟法是必來臨,,
為此, 十方法界乃派" Maitreya-彌勒佛"降生拯救人類...
The below remarks with couple of Americans' statements were digested and duplicated on Youtube:
We are also in a rise and fall of civilisations, much like 2000 years ago. It is charcterised by low morals,
material overtaking human progress, bad economies, and people thinking it's the end of the world.
我們也是處在一個文明的興衰,就像2000多年前。它的特性是由低道德,侵襲人類進步的有形工具, 物質所形成.,
經濟不好, 人們所以認為它是世界的末日。
Anyone who denies or fails to mention the evils of the vatican needs to have a serious rethink in their aim
to reveal truth. Video had a few good points but they were muffled behind christian idiocracy.......T
he scriptures are all valid but misinterpreted and mistaught...religion is mass manipulation!!!
Designed by babylon and engineered since...Rome never fell it formed the Roman catholic church and Vatican state.
其實, 經文都是有效的,但被誤解和誤導了 ......宗教是操作大眾的一種工具! 遠古的巴比倫的設計和自從" 羅馬永遠不會滅亡 "
的工程設計, 因此成造就並形成了羅馬天主教會和梵蒂岡狀態.
The Piscean Age was the age of evil. That was with e.g. many massacres and tortures in the Dark Ages in Europe
(around 300 to 1500 A.D.), and then outside Europe. Now at the beginning of the Aquarian Age, as with the other zodiac ages,
the signals, impulses, energies of Aquarius are kinda twisted, mixed, and of the lower and not pure Aquarius vibration.
Thus, being used selfishly and negatively. So, it just seems like being the age of evil, at this stage.
然後在歐洲以外擴張。 現在,在水瓶時代的開始,與其他生肖年齡,信號,衝動,水瓶座的能量都有點扭曲,混合,以及較低的
註: zodiac age-中國的生肖(西方的zodiac 指的是12星座). < --- The Age of Evil. < --- Aquarian age or Luciferian age? Part 1- |