Unfortunately our customer service representatives cannot fully assist you as your email is not in English. We are unable to understand the nature of your inquiry, but would like to help you.
If you could please write to us in English with the details of how we may help, we will get back to you as quickly as possible.
Unfortunately we are unable to assist you with your inquiry.
Plimus is a third party under contract with the merchant/manufacturer of this product to process orders and collect payments only. We do not have specific information about the product or have the authority to make decisions about discounts, refunds or any other product related issues.
You may contact the merchant/manufacturer directly at < contact@XXXX.com > regarding their products or to request any technical support.
The following inquiry has been sent to us regarding order number: XXXXX
We are forwarding this to you (The Merchant) and copying the customer on this email so that this matter can be taken care of as soon as possible.
We ask that the customer please allow up to 2 business days for the Merchant to respond.
Thank you for your patience and assistance in this matter.