檔案狀態:    住戶編號:18576
 ^ǔ^ 的日記本
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篇名: 在現在的世代
作者: ^ǔ^ 日期: 2013.04.03  天氣:  心情:
Generations now
六十是嬰兒...七十是小學生....60 baby ... seventy pupils ....

口口聲聲不想活了Repeatedly want to live

眼淚透露真實在求活The tears to disclose true in seeking to live

周遭的男男女女都希望好好活著The men and women around hope I'm alive

若本來早就希望此人不存在世上Belated hope this person does not exist the world

就不會讓家人發現緊張立刻將此人送醫全力救活Tension will not let his family found this person immediately to hospital efforts to revive

無需再擔心子女為錢為您而吵鬧不休的事Do not need to worry about their children for money for your constant arguing things

請問神明所給的回答只是參考可能I ask god to answer just reference may

身或許虛弱無力好似踏入半棺的樣子Body like perhaps weakness into the semi-coffin look

您的意志與心思,是超堅強的You will mind, is super strong

七十多年都渡過~不怕現在和未來的五十多年Seventy years ride ~ not afraid now and the next 50 years

您的妻子.姊弟妹.親生兒女.侄子女與孫子女.義子女們可以過壽的話...都願意給您一年壽命..Your wife, brother and sister sister children of their own. Nephew female and grandchildren. The righteous their children had life ... are willing to give you a year of life

至少等您的長孫,長大成人,事業穩定吧Wait at least your grandson, adulthood, career stability.

真的種種大小感受~還不是回老家的時刻Really all the size of the feelings ~ is not the time to return home

眾神~給予此人.無比的勇氣.無限的希望Gods to give this person. Courage. Infinite hope

為了愛您的人活著In order to love your people alive
瀏覽次數:395    人氣指數:2195    累積鼓勵:90
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時間:2013-04-11 16:16
他, 41歲,嘉義縣,待業中
