檔案狀態:    住戶編號:1262725
 純純* 的日記本
長洋裝* 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 累*
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篇名: I not good *
作者: 純純* 日期: 2010.07.27  天氣:  心情:
Did the light blur in my eye clearly had remembered why also how that day that sentence did want me to forget you to be able to forget Where only if doesn t breathe arrives at only then to hide falls the recollection Leaves is doubtable to hate you not to be able to determine Perhaps all these are I not good is I did not know Only the sincerity cannot detain a man hug Even if the tear can be the gentle handcuff

But loves, if is I who asks does not want Is I not good is I could not have forgotten The heart pain can only use between consumes Initially was one which after all I elect Is I is not good for my forever person
瀏覽次數:54    人氣指數:254    累積鼓勵:10
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