今年是狗年吧! 可是為什麼屬雞的我也有"犯太歲"的感覺? 久違的好心情!久違的好運氣!久違的活動力! 一切一切跟"好"有關的事物~~似乎都在排擠我! 原本以為轉換環境會有新的開始~可是總是事與願違 所以說 Don't judge others only by appearance.Those people who are looking good may sometimes confuse you a lot,cos we will think they also deal with everything well. But some of them are just looking good~and nothing more.How can we depend on the one who doesn't even know what the fuck he has said to others?How can we get some inspiration at the place where the boss allowed a lame teacher to kill the kids for one year? How can we make progress when we have nothing new to gain from any single one there?How can we stay at the cram school which has nothing different from the previous one we used to be sick of?