在人生道路上跌倒時,看看 Nick Vujicic 的人生經歷,和他從痛苦中所磨練出樂觀、積極、利他的智慧,
以下是從他的書 "Life Without Limits" 中,節錄出兩段讓我蠻有感觸的話。
"Our human powers of reasoning can be a blessing and a curse. Like my parents, you have probably fretted and worried about the future. Often, though, that which you dread turns out to be far less a problem than you imagined. There is nothing wrong with looking ahead and planning for the future, but know that your worst fears could just as easily prove to be your best surprise. Very often life works out for the good" (13).
"The greater rewards come when you give of yourself. It's about bettering the lives of others, being part of something bigger than yourself, and making a positive difference. You don't have to be Mother Teresa to do that. You can even be a 'disabled' guy and make an impact" (27).