She's the one you've know forever.
The one you go to for honest advice and genuine support.
The one who accepts your quirky little havits and understands you in a way few others can.
She's the one you can call at any hour - to laugh or cry or complain...
The one whose voice has been there all along, sharing secrets and dreams and singing your song when you needed to hear it most.
She's the one who can read your mind, hear your heart, and love you just the way you are.
She's your lifelong friend... but so much more.
She's your sister.
到了辦公室一開電腦就接到小哥, Vicky 與 IVY 的祝福
ps. 早上出門前有跟陳媽說三十年前的今天她辛苦了 , 告訴她母難日快樂
我自己講的很不好意思~ 陳媽聽的也是雞皮疙答掉滿地