超好笑的,難怪得零分。豬頭!台灣地區大學聯考零分之英文作文....英文作文-921地震 What was I doing when the 921 earthquake happened? In 921 earthquake, I and my girlfriend are together.We are on the bed, doing love. I am up, and she is down. So we are up and down, up and down ...... together. The earthquake is more and more big, and we are more and more excited. Though my girlfriend says no,no ......I know her heart say yes,yes...... At last, we are into high 潮 together. That day, we are the happiest a day. I hope the last time is fast a little come. --End-- 【註】 評分:0分 評語:請尊重考試
大致滴~翻譯~當921地震發生時,我在昨什麼ㄋ?921地震時,我和女友在一起。我們兩個正在床上"產生愛",我在上方她在下面,我門一同上上下下的動著。當地震越來越大時,我們也越來越興奮刺激了,雖然女友口中一直說著:「不要ㄚ!不要ㄚ!」,但是我知道她心中說著:「來ㄅ!來ㄅ!」終於,我們兩都進入了高潮,那天是最快樂的一天,......後面不會翻了。。= =看的懂得人~麻煩翻譯一下~到留言板~ㄎㄎ下女子在下偶是英文白癡~哈哈