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 光的使者 的日記本
2004/05/28的日記 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 2004/05/31的日記
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篇名: 2004/05/29的日記
作者: 光的使者 日期: 2004.05.29  天氣:  心情:
Estimated 20 million Americans are on high-protein diet off and on. Many food companies came up with new low-carb products to meet consumers’ new trendy needs. A 53 year-old business man sued the promoters of the Atkins Diet (high protein diet), saying this diet plan made his cholesterol soar to a risky level, and clogged his arteries and almost killed him. He said this lawsuit is not about the money. He wants the court to ban Atkins products and diet books. My hubby was on high protein diet and he didn’t lose any weight. The translation of Dr. Atkins in Taiwan is Y 金博士. In summary, high-protein diet is not for everyone.
Ben is crawling. Sooner he will be walking. I love him. He gives me a purpose to live.
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