檔案狀態:    住戶編號:2223313
 祝大家新年新氣象新年快樂 的日記本
2010_07_22 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 2010/10/21
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篇名: 2010_07_22
作者: 祝大家新年新氣象新年快樂 日期: 2010.10.24  天氣:  心情:
.Today chats with you the innermost feelings to have the multi-feelings to thank you also to have me to thank you at heart also to love me, but you let me good be afraid you to let my psychology surface good be contradictory you to let my innermost feelings good hesitate you to let me feel helpless clearly knew that this is a section impossible with not the result result, but my innermost feelings had the chemical change I not to know that present s I prepare to accept you to give my love again?
I certainly also hoped that we may come, but…I feared not the good situation has me really very contradictory in your at heart you really loves me? What you is really the sincerity treats me? If the beforehand condition occurred? I will be sadder I to be more uncomfortable I to be unable to accept
Me speaking of you in you at heart? What am I? How many statuses have I occupied your innermost feelings? You said: Your hair was long? Nobody helped you to cut the hair you saying:You do not want to cut hair the courtyard to cut the hair you saying:You feared that is cut shatters oh I to hear the helpless you to know very much actually?
瀏覽次數:21    人氣指數:201    累積鼓勵:9
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2010_07_22 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 2010/10/21