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 光的使者 的日記本
arranged date 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 for sad boys
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篇名: Monday blue
作者: 光的使者 日期: 2010.12.13  天氣:  心情:



Cannot imagine If I were still there.

Had an aweful weekend. Got tired of P. She insulted everyone who came to her home on Sat. She is going back to China for 2 months soon. Good, I can breathe a bit.I cannot stand the way she talks. She invited friends to her fancy condo, then she started to criticize everyone at her home. I don t really appreciate such an attitude. Having a rich husband does not make her better than others.

Don t know why we put up with her. Maybe I am just overreacting. Americans usually say nice things to people, but P only says bad things to people.

At the dinning table,
P:" K, your fingers are to short. T, you look too old. J is fat and has eyes like time 8:20. Ally, you are not spiritual, and the church people have given up on you. Tina, you don t know how to make coffee. Your coffee tastes aweful."

Beauty is shallow, but men dig it. Men would put up women with eveything if women are beautiful.

P got baptized last Thursday but she refused to go to the church which baptized her. I don t think being a Christian has made her a better person. She never reads Bible, well, she hardly reads.She still smokes, yells, and bad mouths.

Need a change.

瀏覽次數:49    人氣指數:1249    累積鼓勵:60
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arranged date 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 for sad boys
時間:2010-12-17 10:15
她說妳沒靈性, 我看她沒靈魂, 另外, 她不甚女性, 沒程度的婦人!

糟, 罵了妳的朋友
時間:2010-12-15 19:02
他, 54歲,台中市,製造/供應商
時間:2010-12-15 18:36
他, 54歲,台中市,製造/供應商
