檔案狀態:    住戶編號:2022246
 光的使者 的日記本
27 stars 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 ulcer
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篇名: add another 10
作者: 光的使者 日期: 2011.01.03  天氣:  心情:
I seldom shop in a traditional market coz I don t know how to bargain with vendors in markets. Most stores in the U.S. are fixed price. This morning, the gym was closed so I went to a traditional morning market for some fun.

A chatty Vendor: " Miss, you are not from here, are you? You don t look like you are from here. You first time here? We are here on Mondays. Where did you just go? Why you are you carrying a huge backpack? Do you want me to carry it for you? Are you married? How old are you? You look like you are younger than me? Are you 26 years-old? "

I: " 26? Good Guess! Add another 10 years. You were just saying that so I will buy more things from you, right?"

His jaw dropped and said, " You are a con artist. 你是詐騙集團喔. " And he stopped talking to me. I guess I m too old for him. Ha ha.

Freezing! Cannot imagine what s like in Chicago now. In Chicago, I hate the heating bills in the winter coz the bills are usually enormous.

I have a stomachache all day, but still keep eating. I guess I am eating out of boredom.

瀏覽次數:62    人氣指數:862    累積鼓勵:40
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27 stars 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 ulcer
時間:2011-01-03 20:41
他, 51歲,新竹市,政府機關
