It is 5.34am in the morning
having my breakfast..then online..
coz company..
roomate aldy moves all her stuff out from this room
she finally gone
I stay alone..with an empty bed.. [X-(] s more freedom for me..
and many space to place my stuff..hoho [8-}]
mm..Rain KepT oN dRopIng..
FelT so cOLd..eVerYday gEt a Flu..LikE wAna gEt sICk dy.. [(-*]
wHOLe dAy wE aRe waITIng fOr tHe lecTURers tO cOMe in..
bUt nONe oF tHEm aRe cOMIng..
luCKLily we haVEnt leAVe oUr rOOm..hehe [*)]
conSIDer as pLAyin trUAnt ba..
eRm..tHen huIXin n keJUn cAMe by
aSk us weTher wANa gO oUt oR nOt
tHen pLAn3..inCLUdin mE, eGG, n Yee..wE gO jusCO
hoho..aFTer a lONg shOPing..wE sTOp by fOr diNNer..
tHen sIt fOr 2 hOUrs..chATing~
qUite crAZee haNGIn oUt lIKe dIs..
lOng tIMe diN gO sHoPIng wIt a gROup oF gAls LIke dIS..
vERy hEpy..
eRm, wE aRRived coLLEge nEArly 11pm..
wa..luCKily we ManaGed tO rUSh bACk..
otHErwIse dUNo wHEre tO sLEEp lo~~
eRm..wHen paSS by tHe 望妻亭..
saW siFu waTChin siMou waLk bAck tO hOStel..
haha..juSt liKe the kiOsk s naME..
tHen he sAw me.. [(-*]
wHen i StEp in rOOm.. he Msg..
crAPping fOr a wHIle thEn saY nITe lo==
so Wuliao~
hMM..wHole daY like dIs..
Like noTHing tO do..noThing tO woRRy
aCtLy wE goT manY tEsts waITin fOR us at The DEATH rOad~
6 sOngs, 1 keyboard sCaLes + sight pLAyin,
1 GuiTar scAles..alSo sighT pLAyin
[(-Q] [b-(]Like KIllin me~~
dUno wat eXam is dIS..
liKe taKin our LivEs..
aNYway..teSt is NEar..n sOOn aLso..
23rd juSt 2 wEEks leh~
mUSt pRacTise vEry10 haRd lo~~