I came back to Bz City this afternoon. Almost as soon as I arrived at my sister s house, Blackie (my son Kuka s wife) came to the door (begging for cat chow I bought for them). I noticed her belly is no longer big (she was heavy with babies), so immediately I knew she has delivered her litter. But where is her crib ?
I thought she has her litter of newborn kittens in the neighbor s backyard shed. However, later this evening when my son Kuka came home from his wandering (seriously, what is with male cats, can t they stay at home for just one day?) and begged for food, as soon as I poured the cat chow in the bowl, I saw Blackie running toward the house. She came so quickly I began to suspect that she has her litter somewhere closer by the house (like, maybe in my sister s yard).
I fed the cat couple and waited for Blackie to take off. She was very cautious as not to have any animal (Kuka) or human (me) to follow her to her crib . She glanced this way and that way to make sure no one was following her, and then she walked cautiously to the end of the big backyard where there are some bushy trees with leafy branches bending downward and large piles of large rocks (these created a natural hideout for animals). After making sure no one was close by (I hid beside the house so she didn t see me) and walked into the bush.
After counting thirty seconds to make sure that Blackie had settled down to feed her babies (it is less likely for the feeding mother to abandon her kittens while the babies are on top of her), I walked across the large yard and kneeled down at the entrance of the bushy home for the new cat family. The entrance is blocked by sharp branches, I would get scratched if I forced through, so I didn’t try to go in there. I could see Blackie and her litter through the bush. Blackie looked very shock when she saw me looking at her and her babies.
I mimicked the gentle, friendly cat meows to sooth Blackie because my intention is not to scare her away. I called for a few seconds and Blackie stood up and walked out from her ‘home’ and greeted me with her sweet purring. I caressed her for a while and then told her to go back to her babies. She brushed against my legs and went back to her babies. She was no longer nervous or afraid because she knew for sure her babies are safe here, as long as I am around.
I always believe that human and animal can create a bond and understand each other despite the languages. Just a look in the eyes, the animals can understand the human’s intention and message. Blackie is a very smart stray cat. Although she has had some unfortunate experiences with other humans, and was in a terrible condition when I ‘welcomed’ her into our yard and gave her food, she is still willing to try a second chance at building friendship with humans.
Now, I am a proud grandma (Kuka is also adopted from the streets when he was just a small kitten, now he stays with her Aunty P in Bz city because the student apartment where I stay in Bmp does not allow pets) of not-sure-how-many-kittens. I hope I will get to keep them. I will have to think of ways to persuade my sister to allow the cat family to continue live in her backyard.