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 光的使者 的日記本
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篇名: street artist
作者: 光的使者 日期: 2011.01.09  天氣:  心情:
Watched A use spray paint to make paintings near 勤美 building yesterday afternoon while some other street artists were performing some melancholic Chinese music. His paintings look a bit orange under the street light. We started to have a long converstaion while he was painting a Japanese girl on a snowy day and a sunset. He met his wife in his country, Macedonia 馬其頓 and proposed her within 3 weeks after they met. Then he moved to Taiwan for her and they have been married for 9 years. Funny thing is that they share the same birthday, 1976, May 5th. A told me that he started to paint when he was 5. After his parents got a divorce, he got very angry with both his parents. He ran away from home at 14 and started to self-support himself. Before we said goodbye to him, he insisted on giving us a painting. I couldn t really take it without paying. I told him we will be back to buy his paintings someday. He wanted me to call him or his wife to have lunch together. It s bit of weird for me to call somone I just met and have lunch with them. Maybe we will go back to buy a painting from him.

馬其頓共和國(馬其頓語:Република Македонија)是位於東南歐的巴爾幹半島南部的內陸小國,東臨保加利亞,北臨塞爾維亞,西臨阿爾巴尼亞,南臨希臘。由於希臘反對馬其頓共和國使用「馬其頓」的名稱,世界上絕大多數國家以及聯合國等國際組織現在均將該國暫時稱為「前南斯拉夫馬其頓共和國」(Поранешна Југословенска Република Македонија(ПЈРМ)/Poranešna Jugoslovenska Republika Makedonija(PJRM)),但當地人認為這個名字具冒犯性。目前全世界約有40個國家承認「馬其頓共和國」本身使用的名稱。


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FB friend 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 台灣哪?好玩?