i finISHed d mUSic eXAm tODay..
fINAlly cAn bREath alDy in tHIs wEEk..
caNt beLIEve the terBAng buRUng teRBAng wOUld be d moST perFEct of aLL tESt..
[(-*]nYWay..waTEver d reSUlt..nOt imPORtant nYmORe..
iTS tHE tIMe tO tAKe sOMe rESt..wuwu.. [(-Q]
tOt plANing wANa gO oUt ePPy 2dAy..
hMM..bUt jUSt eNDed uP wIt KFC in rOOm..
quITe feDUp aLDy..
jUst a siMPle tHIng..
waTs tHe maTTer?
i nEEd tO chOOsing btWeen fwEn n fWen..?
wiLL i bE ePPy iF i oNLy cHoose 1 n leFt tHe otHEr oNe?
waT fOr gOin oUt liKe dis?
beTTer leT it gO..
mOOd bCm liKE sHIt..
i sEE thROugh ta peRSon dEEply..
i diSCovered a Lot..
wats the meaning of this frenship..when the sincere..mean nothing..
fren..i m sad.. [:@]
mayBe beSt fWen will onLY fOUnd onE in tHe our life..
harD..haRd to cOmmunicate btWeen 2 perSon..
me keep on tolerate..but ppl wONt kNow..
thEy dOnt..dont..
left a day at here..plus 2mORo nO cLass..
jUst waNa slp..slp..slp..