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 光的使者 的日記本
美女留言 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 Envy
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篇名: messages to me
作者: 光的使者 日期: 2011.02.15  天氣:  心情:
I registered a dating website in the U.S. last summer while I was in Chicago. I didn t go out with anyone or response to any of the messages which guys left me. I was just curious that how American guys think of me. Here is one of the messages:

A guy in Chicago: you seem very nice, obviously sexy, id love to get to know you and have you as a friend, id love to spoil you.

I have not logged in my U.S. dating file since last August. They didn t keep all the messages. I like when guys use the word gorgeous on me. I don t want to be just "pretty".

M complained about a guy. I think some guys are lack of the ability to sympathize with someone. Some guys could be apathy or aloof. M wants a guy who is romantic and reliable. I want a guy who is supportive.

Couldn t resist the sign of " Buy one get one free.". Got soymilk Latte from 85C because of the sign. Then I had butterflies in my stomach after having the soymilk latte. It just didn t agree with me.

Life is full of pains and suprises.

瀏覽次數:212    人氣指數:1592    累積鼓勵:69
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美女留言 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 Envy
時間:2011-03-17 23:47
他, 59歲,台北市,資訊
時間:2011-03-17 10:45
他, 59歲,台北市,資訊
時間:2011-02-16 15:03
他, 54歲,彰化縣,其他
時間:2011-02-16 11:21
他, 54歲,彰化縣,其他
