有些手機很耐超 被我洗過 不小心砸過都能用
My Nokia phone 常常生病 而且還蠻新的
Interesting English
R: Your belly is like a washboard.
explain: washboard is a flat belly. 沒肥肉的肚子
Men with washboard abs are attractive. Washboard = 6 packs = sexy flat stomach
R: You said you are easygoing. You are not easy going at all. You are pig-headed.
Story: T invited to me to her hubby s birthday party. I gave them A NT$550 tea time certificate in Winsor Hotel and a NT$600 golf shirt for both of their birthdays. And I still had to pay for my NT$120 dinner. They are just very typical Americans.
I love my Taiwanese friends. Taiwanese in general are very generous.
When I go out with Amerian friends, we usually go Dutch or split the bills. (個付個的或分攤)